W e a r e b a s e d i n B a r c e l o n a . w o r k i n g o n g r e a t p r o j e c t s . h a v i n g a g o o d t i m e . e l k a n o d a t a .


Informationdesign, for good.


Elkanodata is an Information Design Agency focused on crafting high-quality visual content and digital experiences for relevant topics and stories that matter.

We believe in creating a well-informed and more inclusive society using Information Design as a tool to raise awareness and drive positive change.

Our Clients

Digital experiencesthat matter.

We partner with purpose-driven international organizations and brands that we admire to craft world class visual content and digital experiences.

Our projects help raise awareness and engagement to support key topics like Gender Equality, Climate Action, the LGBTQI+ community, Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Elkanoway.

We focus on building strong, collaborative relationships from outset of each project to ensure that we're crafting digital experiences that leave a mark and add forward-thinking value.

We see value in creating digital experiences and tools for your team with our cross-disciplinary services made to spotlight relevant topics with results that matter.

For each project we create small, dedicated teams that look to collaborate to create high-quality and purposeful results.

Sharing our insights alongthe way.
